Module 5 – Teaching the Principles of Health

Lesson 1 – What is a Great Teacher?

Lesson 2 – Teaching the Client About Supplements

Lesson 3 – Teaching the Client About Tests

Lesson 4 – Tools for Teaching the Client

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Takeaways to Consider

Takeaways from your assignments:

  • We do not “cure” the client…we educate them.
  • This education must help them to understand their own health challenges and what they can do to find their own healing environment.
  • The body is not sitting there waiting for us to save it…it is constantly seeking to survive and has made a plan of healing based on the adaptations it must make to current diet, lifestyle and environment.
  • Supplements don’t heal, they support.
  • The body is able to heal when we impact the underlying cause of imbalance through change.
  • Do not use tests with clients that you have not yet learned to interpret.
  • There is a huge difference between you telling the client what to do and you guiding the client and educating them with your knowledge.

    From the Exercises, consider your answers to the questions and enter them into the Journal area below. These are for your own private practicing of the concepts being taught and only you can see them and update them.

    Exercises to Practice 

    • What is your strongest “great teacher” attribute? Which one needs more support and what does that look like?
    • Limit your supplement recommendations to only 5 total supplements and make a list of those you will use.
      • How will each support the body?
      • When would you choose to use each one and why?
    • Explain why supplements do not heal.
    • When is the body able to heal? List the conditions.
    • How can teaching the client bring better clues for you to use in order to guide them?

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