Anatomy & Physiology Anatomy and Physiology Biology I Biology II Back to Clinical Hall Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Overview of Anatomy and Physiology Life Homeostasis Mapping the Body The Chemical Building Blocks of Life Atomic Structure Chemical Bonds Inorganic Compounds Organic Compounds Organization at the Cellular Level Introduction to the Study of Cells Cell Membranes and the Fluid Mosaic Model Transport Across Membranes Cell Signaling The Nucleus and Ribosomes Organelles The Cytoskeleton External Cellular Components Organization at the Tissue Level Introduction to Tissues Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Nervous Tissue Muscular Tissue Tissue Membranes Integumentary System The Skin Cell Junctions Accessory Structures of the Skin Functions of the Integumentary System Wound Healing Overview of Cancer Skeletal System Overview of the Skeletal System Cartilage Introduction to Bone Bone Formation Bone and Calcium Skeletal System: Parts of the Skeleton The Skull The Hyoid Bone The Vertebral Column The Thorax The Shoulder The Upper Limb The Hip The Lower Limb Joints Classification of Joints Fibrous Joints Cartilaginous Joints Synovial Joints Muscular System Introduction to Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle Control of Muscle Tension Muscle Metabolism Exercise and Skeletal Muscle Tissue Overview of the Muscular System Head and Neck Muscles Trunk Muscles Muscles of the Upper Limb Muscles of the Lower Limb Overview of the Nervous System Introduction to the Nervous System Neuroglia Neurons Collections of Nervous Tissue Neurophysiology Central Nervous System The Spinal Cord The Brain Protection of the Brain The Brain Stem The Cerebellum The Diencephalon The Cerebrum Functional Systems of the Cerebral Cortex Peripheral Nervous System Sensation Sensory Receptors The Somatosensory System Nerves Cranial Nerves Spinal Nerves Distribution of Spinal Nerves Motor Activity Motor Pathways Reflexes Pain Special Senses The Vertebrate Visual System Taste and Olfaction Hearing and Equilibrium Autonomic Nervous System Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System Structure of the Autonomic Nervous System Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System Neurotransmitters and Receptors Endocrine System Overview of the Endocrine System Hormones Mechanisms of Hormone Action Hormone Interactions Hormone Secretion Control Endocrine Glands The Pituitary Gland The Thyroid Gland The Parathyroid Glands The Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands The Pancreas Other Endocrine Tissues and Organs Stress Cardiovascular System: Blood Overview of Blood Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Platelets Hemostasis Transfusions Cardiovascular System: The Heart The Heart Circulation and Heart Valves Cardiac Muscle Tissue Physiology of the Heart Exercise and the Heart Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels Blood Vessel Structure and Function Arteries The Venous System Physiology of Circulation Systemic Blood Pressure Control of Blood Pressure Blood Flow Through the Body Capillary Exchange Circulatory Shock Circulatory Routes Lymphatic System Lymphatic System Structure and Function Lymphatic Vessels Lymph Cells and Tissues Other Lymphoid Organs Immune System Innate Immunity Stress and Immunity Adaptive Immunity Cytokines Antigens Humoral Immune Response Cell-Mediated Immune Response Respiratory System Overview of the Respiratory System Conducting Zone Respiratory Zone The Lungs and Pleurae Mechanics of Breathing Factors Affecting Pulmonary Ventilation Nonrespiratory Lung Functions Gas Laws Gas Exchange Respiration Control Respiratory Adjustments Digestive System Overview of the Digestive System Nervous System of the Digestive System The Peritoneum The Alimentary Canal Layers of the Alimentary Canal The Stomach The Liver The Gallbladder The Pancreas The Small Intestine The Large Intestine Chemical Digestion Absorption Phases of Digestion Nutrition and Metabolism Nutrition Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Metabolic Reactions Metabolism of Nutrients Metabolic Body States Metabolism and the Liver Metabolic Rate and Thermoregulation Diet, Digestion, and Energy Storage Regulation Urinary System Overview of the Urinary System The Kidneys Physiology of the Kidneys Urine Urine Transport, Storage, and Elimination Body Fluids and Acid-Base Balance Water Balance Body Fluids Electrolyte Balance Acid-Base Balance The Reproductive System Overview of the Reproductive System Meiosis The Male Reproductive System Physiology of the Male Reproductive System The Female Reproductive System Physiology of the Female Reproductive System Human Development and Pregnancy Overview of Pregnancy and Human Development First Week of Development Second Week of Development Third Week of Development Fourth Week of Development Fifth Through Eighth Weeks of Development Birth (Parturition) Lactation The Fetal Period Changes to the Mother’s Body During Pregnancy Reproduction, Chromosomes, and Meiosis The Link Between Genotype and Phenotype Inherited Variation Chromosomal Behavior in Meiosis and Fertilization DNA Cell Division Sources of Genetic Variation Complex Inheritance Patterns Patterns of Inheritance Genetic Disequilibrium Exceptions to Mendelian Inheritance